Shareware Grab Bag
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Assembly Source File
240 lines
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title INTRACE Display whenever an interrupt type 2 occurs
; Program to display the interrupted address whenever an interrupt
; of type 2 occurs. This is used to find out where MultiLink is writing
; to the IBM Prototype Board.
; If this program seems to have some superfluous code, it's because it
; was originally used in tracing disk I/O calls to debug a device
; driver...
; Macros
; wto: write message to display. Append cr/lf unless crsup=nocr
wto macro msg,crsup
local msgstr,around
jmp around
msgstr db msg
ifb <crsup>
db 0DH,0AH
db '$'
around: push ax
push bx
push si
push di
push bp
mov si,offset msgstr
call putc
pop bp
pop di
pop si
pop bx
pop ax
prtreg macro rg,msg ; put register rg with message msg on display
push ax
mov ax,rg
call prtax
wto msg,nocr
pop ax
; Code Segment
cseg segment para public 'code'
assume cs:cseg,ds:cseg,ss:cseg,es:nothing
org 100H
; COM program startup
cpstart proc far
jmp near ptr start
cpstart endp
; Local Procedures
putc proc near ; write a string to display W/O DOS intervention
mov bl,7 ; Parameter setup same as for DOS's write-string
mov bh,0 ; function
mov al,cs:[si]
cmp al,'$'
je putc2
mov ah,14
int 10H
inc si
jmp putc1
putc endp
prtnum proc near ; print half a byte on screen
push ds ; this procedure is used by prtax below
push cs
pop ds
push bx
mov bx,offset xltab
mov ah,14
mov bh,0
int 10h
pop bx
pop ds
xltab db '0123456789ABCDEF'
prtnum endp
prtax proc near ; print contents of ax register on screen
push cx ; all registers are preserved
push ax
mov al,ah
mov cl,4
shr al,cl
call prtnum
pop ax
push ax
mov al,ah
and al,0Fh
call prtnum
pop ax
push ax
mov cl,4
shr al,cl
call prtnum
pop ax
push ax
and al,0Fh
call prtnum
pop ax
pop cx
prtax endp
; this routine does the actual display of the interrupted location
sssav dw ?
spsav dw ?
axsav dw ?
lsbottom db 1024 dup (?)
lstack dw 0
tracer proc near
; establish our environment
; we turn off ints here for old 8088s with defective microcode
; (e.g., mine)
mov cs:axsav,ax ; switch stacks
mov cs:sssav,ss
mov cs:spsav,sp
mov ax,cs
mov ss,ax
mov sp,offset lstack
mov ax,cs:axsav ; get ax back
; print address to which the RTI will return
push ax
push bx
push es
mov es,cs:sssav
mov bx,cs:spsav
wto "int2: ",nocr
prtreg es:2[bx],":"
prtreg es:[bx]," "
wto " "
pop es
pop bx
pop ax
mov al,20H ; signal EOI
out 20H,al
mov ax,cs:axsav
; reestablish original environment
cli ; restore stack
mov ss,cs:sssav
mov sp,cs:spsav
tracer endp
; everything below this point will be deleted from memory once the initial
; command exits
start proc near
wto "Installing interrupt trace."
mov ax,0
mov es,ax
mov ax,offset tracer
mov word ptr es:28H,ax
mov ax,cs
mov word ptr es:2aH,ax
wto "Enabling interrupt"
mov al,0B8H
out 21H,al
mov al,20H
out 20H,al
wto "Interrupt enabled"
wto "Installation complete; executing TSR."
mov dx,offset start
add dx,100H ; a little extra space...
int 27H
start endp
cseg ends
end cpstart